Sunday, April 26, 2009

1/14/09 - Reality

A crescent moon hung in the sky casting an eerie glow of blue light over the yard.
Stepping from the shadows with a box under my arms I made my way in the blue darkness, the night was hot with a still wind that made the stale air seem particularly obnoxious. Not unpleasant but not catering to anyones wishes, I walked my way through the uneven ground walking back further and further until at last I could glance back and barely see the house that sat in the darkness. I drop to my knees and with my hands begin to dig, deeper and deeper until the
sweat sticks to my back, and my hands are completely covered in dirt.

The hole is ready, but im not, I sit on the edge wondering if this is really the only thing left to do, I open the box and stare into it, my eyes scanning it's contents, drops of sweat escape into it as I close the lid with a heavy sigh. I place the box inside the hole and gently begin to cover it with dirt, covering it completely, I stand, sweat and dirt falling. I turn and walk away exhausted having just buried my hopes and dreams.

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