Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A World Without Violence

Babygirl, close your eyes and picture a world without violence. Where things still go wrong, accidents and mistakes but when they do no one takes things out of proportion with fists. Imagine how we'd all exist, could I love you more? Or better? Though we don't argue or fight I'd be filled with happiness at the delight played on your face when instead of words of disgust in your heart you would trust me to say beautiful things when things got sour. To those that do, put fists into action with slight dissatisfaction imagine a world without violence, instead of fists because mess my fingers on your face I'd caress the beauty that's worth waking up for every morning. So I look forward to it, in the morning get the way I like my coffee wrong, start my day as a grouch just so I can start the early morning with the compliments adorning the things about you I love. Like a Raging waterfall of rage but opposite, no arguments exist in this peaceful nonchalant world. It's almost disgusting, you know how people are when in the public eye they go far to show affection, 24/7 googly eyes head over heels or heels over hearts constant in heart fire sparks would be created, that's the way a world without violence would be operated.

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