Sunday, April 26, 2009

3/24/09 - Serenade

Each night, promptly at 11 he awakens, dresses, and attains his
instrument. He begins his walk of twenty minutes so that he is at his
destination with 10 minutes to spare, he uses these 10 minutes to set up
his instrument, and so begins the serenade.

She once was his lover, his passion, his reason to be awake and alive in
the day, but through uncontrollable circumstances she is lost, but he
cannot give up. He sings to her these nights, five of the seven of each
week, songs of love and sorrow, he weaves her vocal tales of his pain
and pleasure at her expanse, he vows to make her love him once again.
For one hour each night he pours his soul out through his words and
sweet melodies, singing to her silhouette sitting still in the 2nd story

When he is finished he bids her farewell, with promises to love her
forever and ever, and with the further promises that she will hear from
him the next night.

Each night, promptly at eleven forty five she awakens, stirred by her
dreams of melodies and sorrow, she gets up and dresses in her night
gown, seats herself at her window and glances into the yard next door,
she see's him arrive and begin to set up his instrument, as he begins to
play she closes her eyes and wishes only he would remember the right

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